3 Causes of Subsidence


Although many people tend to blame poor-foundations for a serious case of subsidence, it is important to recognise that there are a wide range of different components that can be at fault too. After all, soil is a natural occurrence which means that it is difficult, if not impossible, to control and subsidence is often caused by a combination of soil and moisture problems. With this said, low-quality foundations certainly contribute to the problem of subsidence. Read on as the team here at The Home and Gardens go over 3 different causes of domestic and industrial subsidence…

Soil Movement

Cohesive soils are characterised by their ability to hold water in their very fine particles and increase the volume of the particles in order to expand. This means that a sudden lack of moisture in these types of soils can lead to shrinkage and movement, affecting the stability of a structure and the foundation that is holding it up. In fact, soil movement is thought to be the number one cause of subsidence in domestic properties as many were built on top of cohesive soils like clay a very long time ago.

Trees and Vegetation

Many people are unaware how far the roots of a tree travel underneath the ground which is why it is important to ensure that the foundations of a property are not constructed within a close proximity to such features. After all, tree roots can suck up all the moisture in soil, even those that are not cohesive, which can lead to shrinkage and movement on a regular basis. As a result, subsidence can take place gradually and lead to more extensive damage than usual.


It is also possible for the vibration caused by nearby construction to lead to soil movement too. After all, these machines are often used in order to excavate soil from a certain area, however high vibrations caused by large, bulky machinery can disturb soil that is holding up an existing nearby foundation. As a result, this movement can kick-start a never-ending subsidence issue that may be costly to repair when it is not tended to sooner rather than later.

The foundations of a property can determine whether or not subsidence is likely to become an issue in a decade’s time. After all, the installation of piles will reinforce the weight of a structure to the stronger soil deep within the earth in order to ensure that soil movement or shrinkage will not affect the foundations. To find out more information about piling in Manchester, get in contact with a member of the Rhino Piling team today!

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