Factors That Influence the Cost of a New Roof


The roof is thought to be the most important part of both commercial and residential properties due to its ability to protect the internal and external structure from bad weather and general wear and tear damage. With this said, every roof will require a replacement sooner or later. Read on as the team here at The Home and Gardens go over 3 factors that can increase or decrease the cost of a roofing renovation…


Many property owners will invest in a new roof after it has been damaged by the weather. With this said, the price of a roofing renovation can depend heavily on the type of damage, the severity of the damage and the specific cause of the damage. After all, it is entirely possible for general wear and tear and old age to be the cause of a poor-quality roof too.


The market is inundated with choice when it comes to the different materials that a roof can be made from. With this said, certain materials like slate and metal tend to be more expensive that other materials like asphalt shingles. After all, the former requires a lot of processing in order to shape them and come with an impressive longevity guarantee whereas the latter is known for its affordability but considerably lower lifespan.


Another important factor to take into consideration in order to estimate the cost of a roofing replacement is the type of building itself. After all, residential properties tend to be smaller which means that they are cheaper to repair whereas large industrial properties have bigger roofs, and this can increase the cost of a project in order to account for extra labour and additional materials.

When it comes to the longevity of a roof, it is safe to say that the material it is made from plays an important part in its cost. After all, man-made materials like asphalt may be more affordable but they do not last as long as more robust materials like slate. To find our more information about the cost of a roofing replacement, get in contact with the industrial roofing experts at Valent Roofing today!

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