How to Effectively Protect the Bees This Summer
It is important to recognise that the vast majority of plants that we rely on for food must be pollinated by bees. This includes but is not limited to: broccoli, apples, almonds and even vanilla. As a result, we all have a responsibility to protect the bees throughout summer in order to prevent the numbers dwindling even further. Read on as we go over three top tips…
Bee-Friendly Plants
It is essential that bees have access to a variety of plants that they can pollinate. As a result, avid gardeners can protect these potentially endangered insects by choosing to grow bee-friendly plants like lavender, bluebells and rosemary. In fact, there are even plants and flowers that can be planted during the winter in order to encourage honey bees, which work all-year-round, to continue pollinating.
No Pesticides
The chemicals that are sprayed onto plants and flowers in order to prevent pests and weeds from taking over may be effective, but they also put the bee population at risk too. After all, they are incredibly toxic and have the potential to completely wipe out a colony if the contamination manages to reach the Queen. As a result, chemical pesticides should be avoided at all costs.
Sugar Water
In hot temperatures, it is possible for a bee to become too tired to fly and this puts it at risk of dying. By diluting sugar in water and putting it on a teaspoon for the bee to consume, you can provide it with enough energy to continue pollinating and then return back to its hive. With this said, never leave a bowl of sugar water out for bees as they are incredibly intelligent and will return to this for an easy source of food rather than choosing to pollinate nearby plants.
The fear of bees is known as Melissophobia and it is one of the most common phobias in the world. Luckily, female honey bees will only sting when they feel threatened because they will die not long afterwards. Of course, this doesn’t leave much to be desired for those who are allergic! With this said, bees are an essential part of our ecosystem and without them the human race would struggle to go on. To find out more information about protecting bees this summer, get in contact with a member of The Home and Gardens team today!