The Different Types of Tree Pruning Methods
Although the government takes care of trees that are found on public land like parks and roadsides, the trees in backyards are considered the responsibility of the property owner. In fact, a tree can take many years to grow which means that some people will inherit the maintenance duties of a tree that they didn’t even know existed when they bought their home. Pruning is a very important landscaping service that protects the structure of a tree and prevents overgrowth. Read on as we go over the top three methods…
Crown Thinning
A tree relies on light and air in order to survive which is why a pruning method known as crown thinning can be beneficial. This is the selective removal of certain branches in order to ensure that air is able to move throughout the tree and that light is able to penetrate deep within. In addition to this, crown thinning can also be used in order to reduce the weight of certain branches in order to prevent overgrowth. With this said, an experienced arborist should know to never remove more than a fourth of the foliage during this process.
Crown Reduction
Unless we pay attention to a tree, it will continue to grow and this means that the branches can actually become a safety risk to buildings, signage and electrical fixtures. As a result, a pruning method known as crown reduction is performed in order to reduce the canopy of a tree and decrease its height. It is often carried out on public trees; however, it is also a popular pruning option for residential homeowners who may be worried that their overgrown tree is too close to their property.
Crown Restoration
Sometimes a tree can be structurally damaged during storms and may need to be removed unless a pruning method known as crown restoration is carried out. This involves cutting back branches to a smaller than normal size in the hope that they will regain their natural form and growth back healthily. It is a specific method that often depends on the species of tree and the type of damage inflicted which means that there isn’t one approach that is universal to all trees.
Here at The Home and Gardens, we want our tree-owning readers to understand the importance of pruning. After all, it is not a task that can be carried out without the experience, training and skills of an arborist as improper pruning can actually cause a tree to develop diseases and shorten their lifespan. To find out more information about the different types of pruning, get in contact with a member of The Home and Gardens team today!