Vegetables You Can Grow Through Winter


When the temperatures start to drop, many property owners believe that the gardening season is finished and allow all their hard work to go to waste. In actual fact, a healthy garden is a full-time responsibility as it is possible for a variety of crops to survive the winter period as long as they are planted ahead of time. Here at The Home and Gardens, we want our readers to show their garden the same dedication all year round and make the most of winter. Here are just a few examples of vegetables that are suitable for growing through winter.


As one of the longest growing vegetables, onions can be planted during the autumn season and will not be ready for harvesting until the following summer. In fact, they often take care of themselves during the winter period which means that they are a maintenance-free vegetable and are popular for planting with children. With this said, they will still be in the ground during the spring planting season so gardeners should plan their garden crops carefully.


Just like onions, garlic can be planted in autumn and does not need to be harvested until the following summer. Interestingly, there are a variety of garlic species that can be easily grown in a residential garden and then be used in unique dishes in order to bring out new and exciting flavours. Plus, Halloween fanatics will not be bothered by vampires with these fragrant vegetables growing in their yard!


Planting a crop of peas in autumn means that they can be harvested during the spring season. However, it is important to ensure that they are established before the worst of winter hits so that they are able to survive the low temperatures and arise when the weather improves. Gardeners that grow peas over winter may find that their crops fall victim to hungry mice which is why it is important to protect them with netting.

When it comes to winter crops like onions and perpetual spinach, homeowners and avid gardeners alike should be prepared. The crops must be planted during the autumn season because the warmer temperatures allow the gardener to manipulate the soil and ensure that the seeds are safe from scavenging birds. To find out more information about gardening over the winter period, get in contact with a member of The Home and Garden team today!

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